4 Tips for Aging Couples

Growing old with your partner can be a profound emotional rollercoaster. You get to watch one another blossom in ways you never could’ve imagined. Maybe one or both of you have undergone life-changing career shifts that have taken you to far corners of the globe. Or maybe you’re just at the point in your relationship where you seem to literally know everything about one another. You might even know your loved one better than you know yourself. That’s totally normal. With that being said, it’s easy to get caught up in daily life and forget about important habits for healthy living. Let’s take a look at a handful of helpful tips that any aging couple would be well advised to consider.

1. Regular Health Checkups


Our bodies weather all kinds of stress as we grow older, and sometimes we can end up overlooking an underlying health issue that’s far more serious than we ever would’ve anticipated. Annual checkups are obviously a great start, but if you’re a male and have surpassed the milestone that is turning 40 years old, you’ll need to start getting in for prostate exams every couple of years.

You might already have had an experience with an enlarged prostate in the past. The painful memory of that troubled bladder can relentlessly haunt you. But you can be more confident about the state of your prostate health now. As a matter of fact, you can make an invaluable investment in your prostate health for the next time that that unwanted scenario might present itself by looking into Prostate 911. These guys aren’t playing around with their prostate health product. They’re already sporting some massively impressive results in clinical tests that show a 353% improvement in the relief of enlarged prostate problems. That’s no small order, and at the least, it warrants a little exploration into the potential benefits you could enjoy from stocking up on the product for the next time your prostate is on the fritz.

Prostate checkups aren’t the only ones older couples should look into. Regular annual visits with your primary health care provider and screenings are important, too. Early detection for things like breast cancer and inflammatory diseases is important.

2. Menopause and Beyond


While older men contend with prostate issues, menopausal women know all too well their menopause hot flash triggers. Most postmenopausal women understand the severity of a hot flash. For women just entering menopause, there’s a lot to learn. With options from hormone replacement therapy to help with estrogen and progesterone levels to supplements that work as an effective way to reduce fatigue, dizziness, and insomnia, mature women should be getting regular checkups, too. Like their male counterparts, doctors can help with normal stages of aging, including perimenopause and other conditions.

3. Maintaining Healthy Connections


As you and your partner age together, it’s important to maintain a healthy connection. Just because a relationship is a long term, it doesn’t mean there won’t be issues along the way. Make it a priority to stay connected, communicate regularly, and engage in activities you enjoy together on a weekly basis. Studies show that couples who make regular time out to focus on intimacy and connection are happier. If you and your partner are struggling in your relationship, don’t be afraid to reach out to a marriage and family therapist who can offer couples counseling to get you back on track and remind you of how far you’ve come together.

4. Healthy Lifestyles


On top of regular checkups, it’s important to create healthy routines. From a well-balanced diet to eight hours a night of sleep, there are ways to stay healthier longer with good habits. Making exercise a priority can help too. Here’s a place where you can work together to keep each other on track. Make those date nights active! Take a walk, shop together, or join a gym together for swimming or laps around the track. You’ll thank yourselves for it down the road.

In the end, few things are as romantic as making it to the end of that marathon we call life together. As you and your partner travel toward the finish line, taking good care of one another, getting regular check-ups, paying attention to triggers and symptoms, and maintaining a healthy relationship will make your adventure together with all that more satisfying.

Dixie Frazier

Content Director

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