Health Care Coverage Options for College Students

Insurance is like a safety net that protects people and their assets in the event of unexpected situations. Life insurance can offer people peace of mind that their families will have financial support upon their death. Property insurance provides homeowners the same relief, covering homes and belongings if burglaries or natural disasters occur. Getting insurance may seem like an action someone takes as they start a family or advance in adulthood, but, single people, young adults, and college students can benefit from having insurance plans.

Auto insurance, for example, is essential for young drivers. More than 143 million people commute in the United States every day, increasing the risk of collisions and automobile incidents. Statistics show that worldwide, an approximated 1.3 million people die in motor vehicle accidents, and young adults aged 15 to 44 make up over half of road traffic fatalities. Having such coverage protects college students, in case they incur bodily injuries or damages to their cars as they commute.

Health care coverage is, perhaps, the most crucial form of insurance a college student can have. Young adults should prioritize getting medical insurance, as unforeseen illnesses, accidents, injuries, or emergency surgeries can happen to anyone, even if they’re in good health.

Some students may remain on their parents’ insurance, and others who work full-time may be able to get insurance through their employers. Health care coverage-seekers may be able to enroll in a health insurance plan through their school, whether it’s a policy that covers accidents or significant needs. Some school-provided coverage options require students to visit on-campus and local health care professionals and may elapse when school terms culminate.

Another health care coverage option is short-term health insurance. Short-term plans are convenient for students who aren’t on their parents’ health plans and don’t get employer-provided coverage. With short-term health care coverage, students can visit their current physician or any doctor at any hospital or medical facility. This form of insurance temporarily covers people who experience medical catastrophes and life transitions, such as beginning college or being between jobs.

Completing coursework, studying for exams, participating in extracurricular activities, and maintaining a social life can keep college students busy. Having multiple priorities can sometimes be mentally and physically exhausting. For this reason, college students should engage in safe health practices, such as exercising, maintaining a healthy diet, and getting adequate sleep, and making frequent visits to a doctor.

Students can stay as healthy as possible during their studies by having regular physical check-ups, getting necessary vaccinations, and scheduling routine eye exams. While vision may remain stable during young adulthood, college students may be vulnerable to eye strain that can damage their eyesight.

Many college programs utilize the Internet and modern technology and implement such tools into their curricula. Faulkner University, for example, offers online programs, such as their online sports psychology degree. Enrolling in a Faulkner University online program allows students to customize flexible schedules that suit their lifestyles and preferences. Using the Internet, Faulkner University students can study where they want and how they want.

College students, especially those in online degree programs, complete many assignments on the computer and have substantial amounts of reading to do. For this reason and others, students must protect their eyes. With vision insurance, students can afford eye care and vision exams, from an eye care service and retailer, such as Cohen’s Fashion Optical.

Cohen’s Fashion Optical provides customers with high-quality, upscale eye care choices and eyewear products. This optical retailer accepts most major vision insurance providers and offers examinations by skilled on-site optometrists. Consulting any of Cohen’s Fashion Optical’s locations and maintaining routine visits helps college students and all customers keep their commitment to optimal eye health and allows them to enjoy stylish eyewear.

Vision and medical coverage ensure college students that they can afford preventive care and medical treatment to stay healthy.

Sadie Allen


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